
作者 : admin 本文共814个字,预计阅读时间需要3分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-8 共2人阅读





root@master-node:~# snap install ollama


root@master-node:~# ollama run gemma:2b


verifying sha256 digest 
writing manifest 
removing any unused layers 
>>> who are you?
I am a large language model, trained by Google. I am a conversational AI that can assist with a wide range of tasks, including language generation,
translation, question answering, and more.

Here are some key facts about me:

* I am a massive model, trained on a massive dataset of text and code.
* I am able to understand and generate human-like text in multiple languages.
* I am trained by Google, and I am not a human being.
* I am a conversational AI, which means I can have natural conversations with people.
* I am a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as education, entertainment, and business.

I am still under development, but I am constantly learning and growing. I am here to help you with your tasks and answer your questions to the best
of my ability.

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