Unknown option: name zhangs
at D:/ProgramFiles/strawberry/perl/lib/Getopt/Long.pm line 1072.
Getopt::Long::FindOption(ARRAY(0x29ad740), "(--|-|\+)", "--", "-name zhangS", HASH(0x32d54e0)) called at D:/ProgramFiles/strawberry/perl/lib/Getopt/Long.pm line 528
Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, ARRAY(0x29ad740), "name=s", SCALAR(0x2d5c3e8), ...) called at D:\work\p1	1.pl line 10
Unknown option: age 25
at D:/ProgramFiles/strawberry/perl/lib/Getopt/Long.pm line 1072.
Getopt::Long::FindOption(ARRAY(0x29ad740), "(--|-|\+)", "--", "-age 25", HASH(0x32d54e0)) called at D:/ProgramFiles/strawberry/perl/lib/Getopt/Long.pm line 528
Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, ARRAY(0x29ad740), "name=s", SCALAR(0x2d5c3e8), ...) called at D:\work\p1	1.pl line 10
Error in command line arguments
at D:\work\p1	1.pl line 10.

VsCode Perl Debug时模拟命令行传入参数插图
VsCode Perl Debug时模拟命令行传入参数插图(1)
VsCode Perl Debug时模拟命令行传入参数插图(2)
VsCode Perl Debug时模拟命令行传入参数插图(3)

Perl VsCode debug 很麻烦,各种报错.而且LZ本地装上了,发现数字类型的变量可以看到,字符串类型的变量不显示,NND,折腾了好几天,最后放弃,还是用CMD 进行debug
VsCode Perl Debug时模拟命令行传入参数插图(4)
VsCode Perl Debug时模拟命令行传入参数插图(5)

最终还是用CMD debug 省事,就是操作小麻烦…

DBD::Pg::db do failed: 错误:  当前事务被终止, 事务块结束之前的查询被忽略 at able.pl line 777
引起原因:LZ本地是手动事务AutoCommit => 0, (AutoCommit => 1 就是自动事务)
$dh = DBI->connect(DSN, USER, PASSWORD, { RaiseError => 1,AutoCommit => 0,pg_enable_utf8 => 1}) or die DBI::errstr;
上一个SQL执行失败了,没有回滚 or 提交事务造成
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: 错误:  无效的类型 integer 输入语法: ""
CONTEXT:  unnamed portal parameter $12 = '' at Table.pl line 800,  line 1.
foreach my $value (@$csvdata) {
				if ($value eq '') {
			        $value = undef;
				if ($cnt != 0) {
					$sql .= ", ";
				$sql .= "?";
if ($value eq '') {
       $value = undef;
DBI connect('dbname=postgres;host=;port=5432','bkdb3',...) failed: authentication method 10 not supported at
Failed:不支持认证方式10 at 276行
Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::Pg::db handle dbname=postgres;host=;port=5432 at D:/ProgramFiles/strawberry/perl/lib/Encode.pm line 212.
Exception : 処理中にエラーが発生しました ( Wide character at D:/ProgramFiles/strawberry/perl/lib/Encode.pm line 212. 
错误信息表明你在使用 Perl DBI 连接 PostgreSQL 时,遇到了认证方式的问题。具体来说,错误信息中的“认证方式10”通常是指 PostgreSQL 服务器正在使用的认证方法与你的客户端驱动程序(DBD::Pg)不兼容
LZ本地是先把 md5  →  trust 了先用着调试程序,

VsCode Perl Debug时模拟命令行传入参数插图(6)

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