
作者 : admin 本文共1337个字,预计阅读时间需要4分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-12 共4人阅读




Simple word guessing game in Python

import random

Define a list of words to choose from

words = [“python”, “programming”, “game”, “intelligence”, “machine”]

Randomly select a word from the list

selected_word = random.choice(words)

Initialize the number of guesses

guesses = 5

Function to play the game

def play_game():
global selected_word
global guesses

# Convert the selected word to a list of underscores
word_display = ['_' for _ in selected_word]

# Loop until the player guesses the word or runs out of guesses
while guesses > 0:
    print(f"You have {guesses} guesses left.")
    print("Word to guess: ", ' '.join(word_display))

    # Get a guess from the player
    guess = input("Enter a single letter: ").lower()

    # Check if the guess is a single letter
    if len(guess) != 1:
        print("Please enter a single letter.")

    # Update the word display if the guess is correct
    if guess in selected_word:
        for i, letter in enumerate(selected_word):
            if letter == guess:
                word_display[i] = letter

    # Check if the word has been completely guessed
    if '_' not in word_display:
        print("Congratulations! You've guessed the word!")

    # Decrement the number of guesses
    guesses -= 1

# If the player runs out of guesses
if guesses == 0:
    print(f"You've run out of guesses. The word was '{selected_word}'.")

Play the game


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