OceanBase v4.2 特性解析:Lateral Derived Table 优化查询

作者 : admin 本文共8627个字,预计阅读时间需要22分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-9 共2人阅读


从传统规则来看,内联视图通常不允许引用在同一FROM子句中前面定义的表的列。但从OceanBase 4.2.2版本开始,这一限制得到了突破,允许内联视图作为Lateral Derived Table来定义,从而允许此类引用。Lateral Derived Table的语法与普通内联视图的语法相似,只是需要在内联视图之前之前添加关键字LATERAL。LATERAL关键字必须紧跟在需要作为Lateral Derived Table的每一个子查询之前。


允许在MySQL模式和Oracle模式下使用Lateral Derived Table,同时需要满足如下要求:

  2. 如果LATERAL关键字在JOIN子句的右操作数中,并且包含对左操作数的引用,那么JOIN操作必须是INNER JOIN、CROSS JOIN或LEFT [OUTER] JOIN。如果表在左操作数中,并且包含对右操作数的引用,则JOIN操作必须是RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN。
  3. 如果Lateral Derived Table引用聚合函数,则该函数的聚合查询不能是包含当前Lateral Derived Table所属的查询。
-- 满足要求1,2,3
select * from t1, lateral (select * from t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1);
select * from t1 cross join lateral (select * from t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1) on 1=1;
select * from t1 left join lateral (select * from t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1) on 1=1;
select * from lateral (select * from t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1) right join t1 on 1=1;

-- 不满足要求3
select sum(t1.c1) as s from t1, lateral (select * from t2 where s = t2.c1);
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 's' in 'where clause'



Lateral关键字可以解决一些select list中的子查询需要返回多列的场景,对于原先的查询需要写两次子查询,但使用Lateral就可以很好地解决这个问题。

-- Q1
(select avg(score) from score s where s.course_id = c.course_id) avg_score,
(select max(score) from score s where s.course_id = c.course_id) max_score
from course c where course_name = 'math';

Q1 会产生 2 次 score 表的扫描任务,使用 Lateral 改写为 Q2 后,score 表可减少 1 次扫描。

-- Q2
select v1.avg_score, v1.max_score
  from course c, 
  lateral (select avg(score) avg_score, max(score) max_score from score s 
                  where s.course_id = c.course_id) v1
  where course_name = 'math';
-- 当前存在两张表,一张是课程表,还有一张是成绩表
create table Course (
  course_id int primary key,
  course_name varchar(20),
  teacher_id varchar(20)

create table Score (
  student_id int,
  course_id int,
  score int,
  key i_course (course_id)


-- Q3
(select avg(score) from score s where s.course_id = c.course_id) avg_score,
(select max(score) from score s where s.course_id = c.course_id) max_score,
(select count(1) from score s where s.course_id = c.course_id 
   and s.score >  
       (select avg(score) from score s where s.course_id = c.course_id)) gt_avg_count
from course c where course_name = 'math';
|ID|OPERATOR                            |NAME       |EST.ROWS|EST.TIME(us)|
|0 |SUBPLAN FILTER                      |           |1       |95          |
|1 |├─TABLE FULL SCAN                   |c          |1       |4           |
|2 |├─SCALAR GROUP BY                   |           |1       |23          |
|3 |│ └─DISTRIBUTED TABLE RANGE SCAN    |s(i_course)|1       |23          |
|4 |├─SCALAR GROUP BY                   |           |1       |23          |
|5 |│ └─DISTRIBUTED TABLE RANGE SCAN    |s(i_course)|1       |23          |
|6 |└─SCALAR GROUP BY                   |           |1       |46          |
|7 |  └─SUBPLAN FILTER                  |           |1       |46          |
|8 |    ├─DISTRIBUTED TABLE RANGE SCAN  |s(i_course)|1       |23          |
|9 |    └─SCALAR GROUP BY               |           |1       |23          |
|10|      └─DISTRIBUTED TABLE RANGE SCAN|s(i_course)|1       |23          |


对于查询Q3,可以使用Lateral子句改写一下,将查询最大值和最小值的两个子查询合并,然后查询超过平均分人数的子查询引用外面已经计算好的平均分,改写后的查询语句Q4 如下。

-- Q3
select v1.avg_score, v1.max_score, v2.gv_avg_count
  from course c, 
  lateral (select avg(score) avg_score, max(score) max_score from score s 
                  where s.course_id = c.course_id) v1,
  lateral (select count(1) gv_avg_count from score s 
                  where s.course_id = c.course_id and s.score > v1.avg_score) v2
  where course_name = 'math';
|ID|OPERATOR                            |NAME       |EST.ROWS|EST.TIME(us)|
|0 |NESTED-LOOP JOIN                    |           |1       |51          |
|1 |├─NESTED-LOOP JOIN                  |           |1       |28          |
|2 |│ ├─TABLE FULL SCAN                 |c          |1       |4           |
|3 |│ └─SUBPLAN SCAN                    |v1         |1       |23          |
|4 |│   └─SCALAR GROUP BY               |           |1       |23          |
|5 |│     └─DISTRIBUTED TABLE RANGE SCAN|s(i_course)|1       |23          |
|6 |└─SUBPLAN SCAN                      |v2         |1       |23          |
|7 |  └─SCALAR GROUP BY                 |           |1       |23          |
|8 |    └─DISTRIBUTED TABLE RANGE SCAN  |s(i_course)|1       |23          |




|ID|OPERATOR                          |NAME       |EST.ROWS|EST.TIME(us)|
|0 |NESTED-LOOP JOIN                  |           |1       |28          |
|1 |├─TABLE FULL SCAN                 |c          |1       |4           |
|2 |└─SUBPLAN SCAN                    |v1         |1       |23          |
|3 |  └─SCALAR GROUP BY               |           |1       |23          |
|4 |    └─DISTRIBUTED TABLE RANGE SCAN|s(i_course)|1       |23          |
Outputs & filters:
  0 - output([v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      conds(nil), nl_params_([c.course_id(:0)]), use_batch=true
  1 - output([c.course_id]), filter([c.course_name = 'math']), rowset=16
      access([c.course_id], [c.course_name]), partitions(p0)
      is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false, filter_before_indexback[false],
      range_key([c.course_id]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true
  2 - output([v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      access([v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score])
  3 - output([T_FUN_SUM(s.score) / cast(T_FUN_COUNT(s.score), DECIMAL(20, 0))], [T_FUN_MAX(s.score)]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      group(nil), agg_func([T_FUN_MAX(s.score)], [T_FUN_SUM(s.score)], [T_FUN_COUNT(s.score)])
  4 - output([s.score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      access([GROUP_ID], [s.__pk_increment], [s.score]), partitions(p0)
      is_index_back=true, is_global_index=false,
      range_key([s.course_id], [s.__pk_increment]), range(MIN,MIN ; MAX,MAX)always true,
      range_cond([s.course_id = :0])

从执行计划可以看出,需要通过c表驱动v1执行,只能走Nested Loop Join,在c表数据量很小的情况下执行的效率很高。但当c表数据量很大,score表中的数据很少时,执行的效率就会很差。显然Lateral关键字限制了Join Order的枚举顺序,因此需要优化器通过预设的改写规则去除LATERAL关键字,提升计划的枚举空间。

-- Q5
select v1.avg_score, v1.max_score
  from course c, 
  (select course_id, avg(score) avg_score, max(score) max_score from score s 
                  group by course_id ) v1
  where course_name = 'math' and v1.course_id = c.course_id;
|0 |MERGE JOIN             |    |1       |9           |
|1 |├─TABLE FULL SCAN      |c   |1       |4           |
|2 |└─SORT                 |    |1       |5           |
|3 |  └─SUBPLAN SCAN       |v1  |1       |5           |
|4 |    └─HASH GROUP BY    |    |1       |5           |
|5 |      └─TABLE FULL SCAN|s   |1       |4           |
Outputs & filters:
  0 - output([v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      equal_conds([v1.course_id = c.course_id]), other_conds(nil)
  1 - output([c.course_id]), filter([c.course_name = 'math']), rowset=16
      access([c.course_id], [c.course_name]), partitions(p0)
      is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false, filter_before_indexback[false],
      range_key([c.course_id]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true
  2 - output([v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score], [v1.course_id]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      sort_keys([v1.course_id, ASC])
  3 - output([v1.course_id], [v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      access([v1.course_id], [v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score])
  4 - output([s.course_id], [T_FUN_SUM(s.score) / cast(T_FUN_COUNT(s.score), DECIMAL(20, 0))], [T_FUN_MAX(s.score)]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      group([s.course_id]), agg_func([T_FUN_MAX(s.score)], [T_FUN_SUM(s.score)], [T_FUN_COUNT(s.score)])
  5 - output([s.course_id], [s.score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      access([s.course_id], [s.score]), partitions(p0)
      is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false,
      range_key([s.__pk_increment]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true


|0 |NESTED-LOOP JOIN       |    |1       |23          |
|1 |├─SUBPLAN SCAN         |v1  |1       |5           |
|2 |│ └─HASH GROUP BY      |    |1       |5           |
|3 |│   └─TABLE FULL SCAN  |s   |1       |4           |
|4 |└─DISTRIBUTED TABLE GET|c   |1       |18          |
Outputs & filters:
  0 - output([v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      conds(nil), nl_params_([v1.course_id(:0)]), use_batch=true
  1 - output([v1.course_id], [v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      access([v1.course_id], [v1.avg_score], [v1.max_score])
  2 - output([s.course_id], [T_FUN_SUM(s.score) / cast(T_FUN_COUNT(s.score), DECIMAL(20, 0))], [T_FUN_MAX(s.score)]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      group([s.course_id]), agg_func([T_FUN_MAX(s.score)], [T_FUN_SUM(s.score)], [T_FUN_COUNT(s.score)])
  3 - output([s.course_id], [s.score]), filter(nil), rowset=16
      access([s.course_id], [s.score]), partitions(p0)
      is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false,
      range_key([s.__pk_increment]), range(MIN ; MAX)always true
  4 - output(nil), filter([c.course_name = 'math']), rowset=16
      access([GROUP_ID], [c.course_name]), partitions(p0)
      is_index_back=false, is_global_index=false, filter_before_indexback[false],
      range_key([c.course_id]), range(MIN ; MAX),
      range_cond([:0 = c.course_id])

通过改写可以提高SQL在不同场景下的适应性,减少差计划产生的可能。但是如果业务不需要做这个改写,可以通过NO_DECORRELATE这个hint来禁用对Lateral Derived Table的改写。

-- Q4'
select /*+ NO_DECORRELATE */ v1.avg_score, v1.max_score
  from course c, 
  lateral (select avg(score) avg_score, max(score) max_score from score s 
                  where s.course_id = c.course_id) v1
  where course_name = 'math';



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