详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型

作者 : admin 本文共5968个字,预计阅读时间需要15分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-11 共1人阅读


        下载地址:GitHub – kaldi-asr/kaldi: kaldi-asr/kaldi is the official location of the Kaldi project.



src(源代码)包:  包含Kaldi的核心源代码,提供了实现语音识别所需的基础功能,例如声学建模、特征提取、解码器等。

tools(工具)包:  包含与Kaldi相关的工具和第三方依赖项。这些工具可以用于数据预处理、特征提取、模型训练等。例如,sph2pipe工具用于处理SPH音频格式,sox工具用于音频格式转换和处理


cmake 目录:包含用于构建 Kaldi 的 CMake 脚本和相关文件。CMake 是一个跨平台的构建工具,用于自动化构建过程

scripts 目录:包含用于执行各种任务的脚本文件。这些脚本可以用于数据准备、特征提取、模型训练、解码等操作。


This is the official Kaldi INSTALL. Look also at INSTALL.md for the git mirror installation.
[Option 1 in the following does not apply to native Windows install, see windows/INSTALL or following Option 2]

Option 1 (bash + makefile):

    go to tools/  and follow INSTALL instructions there.

    go to src/ and follow INSTALL instructions there.

Option 2 (cmake):

    Go to cmake/ and follow INSTALL.md instructions there.
    Note, it may not be well tested and some features are missing currently.



To check the prerequisites for Kaldi, first run


and see if there are any system-level installations you need to do. Check the
output carefully. There are some things that will make your life a lot easier
if you fix them at this stage. If your system default C++ compiler is not
supported, you can do the check with another compiler by setting the CXX
environment variable, e.g.

  CXX=g++-4.8 extras/check_dependencies.sh

Then run


which by default will install ATLAS headers, OpenFst, SCTK and sph2pipe.
OpenFst requires a relatively recent C++ compiler with C++11 support, e.g.
g++ >= 4.7, Apple clang >= 5.0 or LLVM clang >= 3.3. If your system default
compiler does not have adequate support for C++11, you can specify a C++11
compliant compiler as a command argument, e.g.

  make CXX=g++-4.8

If you have multiple CPUs and want to speed things up, you can do a parallel
build by supplying the “-j” option to make, e.g. to use 4 CPUs

  make -j 4

In extras/, there are also various scripts to install extra bits and pieces that
are used by individual example scripts.  If an example script needs you to run
one of those scripts, it will tell you what to do.

1. 要检查Kaldi的依赖项,并安装




        这个命令将会安装 g++makeautomakeautoconfgitsoxgfortranlibtool,

 subversion, 和 python2.7

sudo apt-get install g++ make automake autoconf git sox gfortran libtool subversion python2.7


sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev


sudo apt-get install intel-mkl-full


详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型插图


详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型插图(1)


详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型插图(2)



  CXX=g++-4.8 extras/check_dependencies.sh

2. 编译


详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型插图(3)


详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型插图(4)



  make CXX=g++-4.8

3. CPU配置


make -j 4


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 4. 安装模型


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详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型插图(7)

 5. 设置环境变量

        按照上面安装后的提示:“Please source tools/env.sh in your path.sh to enable it” 设置环境变量。

        上一步操作后,当前目录为kaldi-master/tools,需要退回到kaldi-master目录下,使用cd命令退一层目录,执行环境变量配置命令, 将tools/env.sh脚本中的命令和设置加入到当前Shell的环境中。

cd ..
source tools/env.sh


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These instructions are valid for UNIX-like systems (these steps have
been run on various Linux distributions; Darwin; Cygwin).  For native Windows
compilation, see ../windows/INSTALL.

You must first have completed the installation steps in ../tools/INSTALL
(compiling OpenFst; getting ATLAS and CLAPACK headers).

The installation instructions are

  ./configure –shared
  make depend -j 8
  make -j 8

Note that we added the “-j 8” to run in parallel because “make” takes a long
time.  8 jobs might be too many for a laptop or small desktop machine with not
many cores.

For more information, see documentation at http://kaldi-asr.org/doc/
and click on “The build process (how Kaldi is compiled)”.




1.  执行./configure –shared

./configure --shared

2. 编译命令


第一次执行使用A.第一种执行方式,非第一次执行,使用B. 第二种执行方式

 A. 第一种执行方式:直接生成依赖关系,同时运行的作业数被固定为2。
make depend -j 2直接生成依赖关系,同时运行的作业数被固定为2。

        其中,数字 2 是调用cpu核心数,一半为当前硬件cpu核心数的一半以内为宜。如果不做设置,该命令不会限制并行作业的数量,甚至会压倒强大的工作站,因为Kaldi构建是高度并行化的。


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B. 第二种执行方式:首先会执行清理操作,然后生成依赖关系,同时运行的作业数由系统CPU核心数决定。
make -j clean depend


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make -j 2

再次强调:其中,数字 2 是调用cpu核心数,一半为当前硬件cpu核心数的一半以内为宜。如果不做设置,该命令不会限制并行作业的数量,甚至会压倒强大的工作站,因为Kaldi构建是高度并行化的。


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1. yesno语音识别

        参考网站:刘永浩记__Kaldi理解与部署cvte模型_kaldi cvte-CSDN博客




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详细解析Ubuntu22 部署Kaldi大模型插图(13)

        在最后显示:%WER 0.00 [ 0 / 232, 0 ins ,0 del ,0 sub ],表示识别结果非常准确。

WER(Word Error Rate)代表的是字错误率,是衡量语音识别系统的准确程度的标准


ins:        被插入的单词的个数(多认的)
del:        被删除的单词的个数(少认的)
sub:       被替换的单词个数(认错的)
N:           总共的单词个数


2. 以aishell为例的语音识别过程

        参考网站:kaldi做语音识别_语音识别_Paprika_coin-GitCode 开源社区

cd egs/aishell/s5

        修改cmd.sh的配置,我是用的是geany,可以通过sudo apt install geany下载安装。

geany cmd.sh

export train_cmd="run.pl --mem 2G" #"queue.pl --mem 2G"
export decode_cmd="run.pl --mem 4G" #"queue.pl --mem 4G"
export mkgraph_cmd="run.pl --mem 8G" #"queue.pl --mem 8G





cd /


sudo mkdir export
cd export


sudo mkdir a05
cd a05


sudo mkdir xna
cd xna


sudo mkdir data
(3) 执行下载数据并训练

        之后输入下列命令开始执行,这里下载数据集要在run.sh前面加sudo命令,这是路径的缘故。下载数据集用到的脚本是local/download_and_untar.sh 需要下载两个数据文件:data_aishell 和 resource_aishell.

sudo ./run.sh



  • 语料数据准备 下载语料库到本地/服务器的文件夹
  • 数据关系,词典、语言文件(text, wav.scp, utt2pk, spk2utt)准备,训练集、测试集、验证集准备
  • 单音素(或者其他模型)训练和解码
  • 构建解码图
  • 解码查看结果

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