
作者 : admin 本文共6474个字,预计阅读时间需要17分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-9 共1人阅读


1.1 拓扑图


1.2 配置

1.2.1 Leaf1配置


## M-LAG配置

[Leaf1] m-lag system-mac 0001-0001-0001			# 手动设置MAC,通常建议使用主设备的系统MAC,另一台设备配置需相同
[Leaf1] m-lag system-number 1				# 数字小的成为主设备,
[Leaf1] m-lag system-priority 130				# 两台的优先级需要一样
[Leaf1] m-lag mad exclude interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13	# 配置保留接口,这个接口会在脑裂后不会被关闭
[Leaf1] m-lag consistency-check disable			# 模拟器中配置完成后,会报一致性检测失败的错,导致接口起不来,使用这条命令能解决,但生产环境中慎用

## keepalive链路配置

[Leaf1] interface g1/0/13
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/13]ip address
[Leaf1] m-lag keepalive ip destination source	# 配置DAD检测接口

## peer-link接口配置

[Leaf1] interface Bridge-Aggregation10
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation10] link-aggregation mode dynamic
[Leaf1]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/11
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/11] port link-aggregation group 10
[Leaf1]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/12
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/12] port link-aggregation group 10
[Leaf1] interface Bridge-Aggregation10
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation10] port m-lag peer-link 1

## M-LAG接口配置

[Leaf1]int Bridge-Aggregation 5
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] port link-type trunk
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] port trunk permit vlan all
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] link-aggregation mode dynamic
[Leaf1]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-aggregation group 5
[Leaf1]int Bridge-Aggregation 5
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] port m-lag group 5


1.2.2 Leaf2配置


## M-LAG配置

[Leaf2] m-lag system-mac 0001-0001-0001			
[Leaf2] m-lag system-number 2				
[Leaf2] m-lag system-priority 130				
[Leaf2] m-lag mad exclude interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13	
[Leaf2] m-lag consistency-check disable			

## keepalive链路配置

[Leaf2] interface g1/0/13
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/13]ip address
[Leaf2] m-lag keepalive ip destination source	

## peer-link接口配置

[Leaf2] interface Bridge-Aggregation10
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation10] link-aggregation mode dynamic
[Leaf2]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/11
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/11] port link-aggregation group 10
[Leaf2]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/12
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/12] port link-aggregation group 10
[Leaf2] interface Bridge-Aggregation10
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation10] port m-lag peer-link 1

## M-LAG接口配置

[Leaf2]int Bridge-Aggregation 5
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] port link-type trunk
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] port trunk permit vlan all
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] link-aggregation mode dynamic
[Leaf2]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
[Leaf1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-aggregation group 5
[Leaf2]int Bridge-Aggregation 5
[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5] port m-lag group 5

1.2.3 SW配置


[H3C]interface Bridge-Aggregation 5
[H3C-Bridge-Aggregation5] port link-type trunk
[H3C-Bridge-Aggregation5] port trunk permit vlan all
[H3C-Bridge-Aggregation5] link-aggregation mode dynamic

[H3C] interface range GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 to GigabitEthernet 1/0/2
[H3C-if-range] port link-aggregation group 5

1.3 配置验证


1.3.1 M-LAG

[Leaf1]dis m-lag system 
                     System information
Local system number: 1                      Peer system number: 2
Local system MAC: 0001-0001-0001            Peer system MAC: 0001-0001-0001
Local system priority: 130                  Peer system priority: 130
Local bridge MAC: a6ca-1833-0100            Peer bridge MAC: a6ca-3325-0200
Local effective role: Primary               Peer effective role: Secondary
Health level: 0
Standalone mode on split: Disabled
In standalone mode: No

                     System timer information
Timer                      State       Value (s)    Remaining time (s)
Auto recovery              Disabled    -            -
Restore delay              Disabled    300          -
Consistency-check delay    Disabled    150          -
Standalone delay           Disabled    -            -
Role to None delay         Disabled    60           -


[H3C]dis link-aggregation verbose 
Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing 
Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual 
Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port 
Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation, 
        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing, 
        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired 

Aggregate Interface: Bridge-Aggregation5
Creation Mode: Manual
Aggregation Mode: Dynamic
Loadsharing Type: Shar
Management VLANs: None
System ID: 0x8000, a6a7-cb71-0300
  Port                Status   Priority Index    Oper-Key               Flag
  GE1/0/1             S        32768    1        1                      {ACDEF}
  GE1/0/2             S        32768    2        1                      {ACDEF}
  Actor               Priority Index    Oper-Key SystemID               Flag   
  GE1/0/1(R)          32768    16387    40005    0x82  , 0001-0001-0001 {ACDEF}
  GE1/0/2             32768    32771    40005    0x82  , 0001-0001-0001 {ACDEF}

1.3.2 生成树


[Leaf1-Bridge-Aggregation5]dis stp ins 0 int b5
-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------
 Bridge ID           : 32768.0001-0001-0001
 Bridge times        : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MaxHops 20
 Root ID/ERPC        : 32768.0001-0001-0001, 0
 RegRoot ID/IRPC     : 32768.0001-0001-0001, 0
 RootPort ID         : 0.0
 BPDU-Protection     : Disabled
 BPDU Filter         : Disabled
 Bridge Config-
 Digest-Snooping     : Disabled
 TC or TCN received  : 15
 Time since last TC  : 0 days 0h:6m:52s

 Port protocol       : Enabled
 Port role           : Designated Port (Boundary)
 Port ID             : 128.5125
 Port cost(Legacy)   : Config=auto, Active=18
 Desg.bridge/port    : 32768.0001-0001-0001, 128.1029
 Port edged          : Config=disabled, Active=disabled
 Port filter         : Config=default, Active=disabled
 Point-to-Point      : Config=auto, Active=true
 Transmit limit      : 10 packets/hello-time
 TC-Restriction      : Disabled
 Role-Restriction    : Disabled
 Protection type     : Config=none, Active=none
 MST BPDU format     : Config=auto, Active=802.1s
 Port Config-
 Digest-Snooping     : Disabled
 Rapid transition    : True
 Num of VLANs mapped : 2
 Port times          : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MsgAge 0s RemHops 20
 BPDU sent           : 208
          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 208
 BPDU received       : 2
          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 2
[Leaf2-Bridge-Aggregation5]dis stp ins 0 interface b5
-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------
 Bridge ID           : 32768.0001-0001-0001
 Bridge times        : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MaxHops 20
 Root ID/ERPC        : 32768.0001-0001-0001, 0
 RegRoot ID/IRPC     : 32768.0001-0001-0001, 0
 RootPort ID         : 0.0
 BPDU-Protection     : Disabled
 BPDU Filter         : Disabled
 Bridge Config-
 Digest-Snooping     : Disabled
 TC or TCN received  : 20
 Time since last TC  : 0 days 0h:9m:39s

 Port protocol       : Enabled
 Port role           : Designated Port (Boundary)
 Port ID             : 128.5125
 Port cost(Legacy)   : Config=auto, Active=18
 Desg.bridge/port    : 32768.0001-0001-0001, 128.1029
 Port edged          : Config=disabled, Active=disabled
 Port filter         : Config=default, Active=disabled
 Point-to-Point      : Config=auto, Active=true
 Transmit limit      : 10 packets/hello-time
 TC-Restriction      : Disabled
 Role-Restriction    : Disabled
 Protection type     : Config=none, Active=none
 MST BPDU format     : Config=auto, Active=802.1s
 Port Config-
 Digest-Snooping     : Disabled
 Rapid transition    : True
 Num of VLANs mapped : 2
 Port times          : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MsgAge 0s RemHops 20
 BPDU sent           : 0
          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 0
 BPDU received       : 0
          TCN: 0, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 0




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