博客摘录「 YOLOv5模型剪枝压缩」2024年5月11日

作者 : admin 本文共1139个字,预计阅读时间需要3分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-17 共1人阅读



Research findings on the relationship between semantic edge detection and semantic segmentation indicate that semantic information can be used to enhance the effectiveness of semantic segmentation. However, the number of such papers is not very large, and most methods of semantic segmentation still use deep learning for direct pixel classification. When comparing the performance of the two, it is found that their performance metrics are different, making it impossible to compare them directly.

边缘检测和显著性检测的关系是,边缘信息可以用来增强显著性检测的效果。因为基本边缘检测在数据处理时都是第一个步骤。The relationship between edge detection and saliency detection is that edge information can enhance the effect of saliency detection. This is because basic edge detection is typically the first step in data processing.

BSDS500 轮廓检测与语义分割数据集_数据集-阿里云天池


Learning Spatial Context: Using Stuff to Find Things (stanford.edu)


After reading three review papers on deep learning-based edge detection, I discovered 12 papers on more popular algorithms. I have organized the model structures and metric information.

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