Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS

作者 : admin 本文共2010个字,预计阅读时间需要6分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-9 共3人阅读

一 SmartDNS 安装 ,可参考:Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) 安装部署smartdns 搭建智能DNS服务器-CSDN博客

二 安装AdGuard

1 下载地址:GitHub – AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server

2 解压安装

wget http://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/releases/download/v0.108.0-b.56/AdGuardHome_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar  zxvf  AdGuardHome_linux_amd64.tar.gz
cd  AdGuardHome/
test@test:~/soft/AdGuardHome$ ./AdGuardHome --help

./AdGuardHome [options]

  -c, --config VALUE                 Path to the config file.
  -w, --work-dir VALUE               Path to the working directory.
  -h, --host VALUE                   Deprecated. Host address to bind HTTP server on. Use --web-addr. The short -h will work as --help in the future.
  -p, --port VALUE                   Deprecated. Port to serve HTTP pages on. Use --web-addr.
  --web-addr VALUE                   Address to serve the web UI on, in the host:port format.
  -s, --service VALUE                Service control action: status, install (as a service), uninstall (as a service), start, stop, restart, reload (configuration).
  -l, --logfile VALUE                Path to log file.  If empty, write to stdout; if "syslog", write to system log.
  --pidfile VALUE                    Path to a file where PID is stored.
  --check-config                     Check configuration and exit.
  --no-check-update                  Don't check for updates.
  --update                           Update the current binary and restart the service in case it's installed.
  --no-mem-optimization              Deprecated.  Disable memory optimization.
  --no-etc-hosts                     Deprecated: use clients.runtime_sources.hosts and dns.hostsfile_enabled instead.  Do not use the OS-provided hosts.
  --local-frontend                   Use local frontend directories.
  -v, --verbose                      Enable verbose output.
  --glinet                           Run in GL-Inet compatibility mode.
  --version                          Show the version and exit.  Show more detailed version description with -v.
  --help                             Print this help.
sudo ./AdGuardHome -s install

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图

AdGuard Home服务管理

sudo systemctl enable AdGuardHome
sudo systemctl start AdGuardHome
sudo systemctl restart AdGuardHome

三 配置系统防火墙

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables-save
sudo netfilter-persistent save

四 配置AdGuard Home

1 访问IP+3000端口

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(1)

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(2)

 Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(3)

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(4) Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(5)

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(6) Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(7)

2  配置AdGuard Home 和SmartDNS 集成

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(8)

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(9)

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(10) DNS缓存全部留空,使用smartdns的缓存配置

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(11)

过滤器,设置DNS 黑名单,建议选择 一到两个全面些的规则集

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(12)

 记得把SmartDNS 端口改成8053(⊙﹏⊙)

五 客户端配置

 DNS 填写AdGuard Home 的ipUbuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(13)

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(14)

Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(15) Ubuntu server 24 (Linux) AdGuard Home +SmartDNS 安装配置 搭建去广告快速DNS插图(16)

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