基于WEB的网上购物系统的设计与实现(附:源码 论文 sql文件)

作者 : admin 本文共2440个字,预计阅读时间需要7分钟 发布时间: 2024-06-9 共1人阅读

摘 要





Design and Implementation of Web – based Online Shopping System


With rapid development of computer network technology and theaccelerating of people lives rhythm,the electronic commerce technology has been gradually into people’s daily life, as the most common form of the e-commerce,online shopping is easy to accept by public. Therefore to develop an online store system for today’s situation,and more convenient for people to shop online.

This system of online shopping to MVC hierarchical thought principle,using the SSH framework for integrated development.The front display using JSP and HTML page, background database using MySQL,the technology is relatively mature,the system is convenient to maintenance and expansion.Online shopping mall in front of the system including the user registration,user login,commodity information,add commodity to cart, delete commodities,user messages and other major function;the backstage management function includes commodity modification,add,delete,user management,order management and other functions.;The backstage management function includes commodity modification, add,delete,user management,order management and other functions.This system has the advantages of simple operation,friendly interface,good flexibility,the characteristics of stable operation.

Compared with other online shop to use ASP, PHP language system, the system uses the JSP language more convenient, develop more efficiency.SSH framework and JSP combination of greatly reduced the degree of coupling of the system,and enhance the system’s maintainability,portability.This system uses a database connection pool technique is effective to prevent the occurrence of the number of connections is too large to cause a system crash situation, and use the Annotation annotation-based development, online store system data access is fast.

Key words:Online Store; MVC; SSH; MySQL





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