How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图


使用以下栏项将相应的UI元素添加到功能区UI:“Skin List, Skin Gallery”、“Skin Palette List”和“Skin Palette Gallery”。在RibbonPageGroup上单击鼠标右键,然后调用相应的命令在设计时添加“ Skin List ”或“Skin Gallery”。
How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(1)

Skin List

A Skin List (SkinDropDownButtonItem) is a drop-down menu that displays application skins.
How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(2)

Skin Gallery

A Skin Gallery (SkinRibbonGalleryBarItem) is an in-ribbon gallery that displays skins. Skins in the gallery are grouped into categories.
How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(3)

Skin Palette List

A Skin Palette List (SkinPaletteDropDownButtonItem) allows users to select a color palette for a vector skin.
How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(4)

Skin Palette Gallery

A Skin Palette Gallery (SkinPaletteRibbonGalleryBarItem) allows users to select a color palette in an embedded or dropdown gallery.
How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(5)


How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(6)

using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon;

namespace DXApplication20 {
    public partial class Form1 : RibbonForm {
        public Form1() {
            skinPageGroup.ItemLinks.Add(new SkinDropDownButtonItem());
            skinPageGroup.ItemLinks.Add(new SkinRibbonGalleryBarItem());
            colorPalettePageGroup.ItemLinks.Add(new SkinPaletteDropDownButtonItem());
            colorPalettePageGroup.ItemLinks.Add(new SkinPaletteRibbonGalleryBarItem());

Display Advanced Skin Options



How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(7)

using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Helpers;

namespace DXRibbonSkinSekector {
    public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon.RibbonForm {
        BarCheckItem bciTrackWindowsAppMode, bciOriginalPalette, bciTrackWindowsAccentColor;
        BarButtonItem bbiSystemAccentColor, bbiAccentCustomColor2;
        public Form1() {

            bciTrackWindowsAppMode = new BarCheckItem();
            bciOriginalPalette = new BarCheckItem();
            bciTrackWindowsAccentColor = new BarCheckItem();
            bbiSystemAccentColor = new BarButtonItem();
            bbiAccentCustomColor2 = new BarButtonItem();

             * "The Bezier" skin supports the second accent color.
             * Other skins do not support the second accent color.

            // Initializes corresponding skin settings/selectors.
            SkinHelper.InitCustomAccentColor(Ribbon.Manager, bbiSystemAccentColor);
            SkinHelper.InitCustomAccentColor2(Ribbon.Manager, bbiAccentCustomColor2);

Hide Specific Items And Groups


  • Create a string array that contains unwanted skin names. These names can be full (e.g., “Office 2016 Colorful”) or partial (e.g., “2007”).
string[] skinsToHide = { "Seven Classic", "DevExpress Style", "Dark", "2010", "2007", "Sharp" };

  • Define a custom method that will iterate through skin items and hide unwanted ones.
private void HideGalleryItemsByCaptions(RibbonGalleryBarItem galleryItem, string[] skinsToHide) {
    var allItems = galleryItem.Gallery.GetAllItems();
    foreach (GalleryItem item in allItems) {
        if (skinsToHide.Contains(item.Caption))
            item.Visible = false;

  • Use the form or UserControl Load event handler to call your method.
this.Load += ucRibbon_Load;

void ucRibbon_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    HideGalleryItemsByCaptions(skinRibbonGalleryBarItem1, skinsToHide);

To hide an entire skin group, use the code sample below.

void ucRibbon_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            .First(x => String.Equals(x.Caption, "Bonus Skins")));

The following example demonstrates how to rename and hide gallery groups in SkinDropDownButtonItem:

using System.Linq;
using DevExpress.XtraBars;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon.Gallery;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Helpers;

namespace DXApplication20 {
    public partial class Form1 : RibbonForm {
        SkinDropDownButtonItem skinDropDownButtonItem;
        public Form1() {
            skinDropDownButtonItem = new SkinDropDownButtonItem(ribbonControl1.Manager);
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
        void HideItems(SkinDropDownButtonItem skinItem) {
            GalleryControlGallery gallery = ((skinItem.DropDownControl as SkinPopupControlContainer).Controls.OfType<GalleryControl>().FirstOrDefault()).Gallery;
            gallery.Groups[0].Caption = "My Custom Caption";
            gallery.Groups[1].Visible = false;
            gallery.Groups[2].Visible = false;

The following example demonstrates how to hide the specified groups from SkinPaletteDropDownButtonItem:

void HideSkins2(SkinPaletteDropDownButtonItem skinItem, string[] palettesToHide) {
    var groups = (skinItem.DropDownControl as GalleryDropDown).Gallery.Groups;
    for(var i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++) {
        var group = groups[i];
        if(group == null) {
        for(var j = 0; j < group.Items.Count; j++) {
            var item = group.Items[j];
            if(item == null) {
            foreach(var palette in palettesToHide) {
                if(item.Caption.Contains(palette)) {
                    item.Visible = false;
                group.Visible = false;

Remove Item Grouping

To remove item grouping, add a new gallery group and populate it with all existing gallery items. Then, you can remove all gallery groups except for your new custom group – as illustrated in the code sample below.

void ucRibbon_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

void RemoveGrouping() {
    GalleryItemGroup group = new GalleryItemGroup() { Caption = "Available Skins" };
    skinRibbonGalleryBarItem1.Gallery.Groups.Insert(0, group);
    foreach(var item in skinRibbonGalleryBarItem1.Gallery.GetAllItems()) {
    while(skinRibbonGalleryBarItem1.Gallery.Groups.Count > 1)

Change Captions and Icons Manually

To change captions and glyphs of items within a Ribbon skin gallery, iterate through gallery items and modify the following properties:

  • GalleryItem.Caption — Gets or sets the item’s caption. 获取或设置项的标题
  • GalleryItem.Hint — Gets a hint associated with the gallery item. 获取与库项目关联的提示。
  • GalleryItem.Description — Gets or sets the item’s description.获取或设置项的描述。
  • GalleryItem.ImageOptions.SvgImage — Gets or sets a vector image. The vector image has priority over the raster image.获取或设置矢量图像。矢量图像的优先级高于光栅图像。
  • GalleryItem.ImageOptions.Image — Gets or sets a raster image. To display a custom raster image, nullify the default vector image. 获取或设置光栅图像。若要显示自定义光栅图像,请使默认矢量图像无效。
  • GalleryItem.ImageOptions.HoverImage — Gets or sets a raster image displayed when the mouse pointer hovers the item. 获取或设置鼠标指针悬停项目时显示的光栅图像。
void ucRibbon_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
void CustomizeItems(SkinRibbonGalleryBarItem target) {
    foreach(var item in target.Gallery.GetAllItems()) {
        if(item.Caption == "DevExpress Dark Style") {
            item.Caption = item.Hint = "Default Skin";
            item.Description = "The default skin";
            // We recommend that you use vector images.
            item.ImageOptions.SvgImage = SvgImage.FromResources("DXApplication1.Resources.Driving.svg", typeof(Form1).Assembly);
            // The vector image has priority over the raster image.
            // To assign a raster image, nullify the default vector image.
            item.ImageOptions.SvgImage = null;
            item.ImageOptions.Image = DevExpress.Images.ImageResourceCache.Default.GetImage("office2013/miscellaneous/colors_16x16.png");
            item.ImageOptions.HoverImage = DevExpress.Images.ImageResourceCache.Default.GetImage("office2013/miscellaneous/colors_32x32.png");

How to: Add and Customize the Ribbon Skin List and Skin Gallery插图(8)

Obtain Active Skin

The following example demonstrates how to get the active skin name:

string activeSkinName = DevExpress.UserLookAndFeel.Default.ActiveSkinName;

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